Monday, November 16, 2015


The next part of the shop-home improvement project will require some coordinating. We're going to move the propane tank to the back of the shop. It's in full view of the deck off the dining room right now, so it's going to be out of sight when done. There are several things going to happen when we do this. Along with the gas line being retrenched under ground, the insulated water lines from boiler to the shop for the infloor heat, phone lines and cable antenna are all going to be buried. we will need to work with the gas company since they will actually move the tank. I will need to rent a trencher to do all this and work with gas company schedule for timing. I also will need to order and have shipped the insulated water lines. It's going to be about 110 feet from the boiler to the shop for the water lines & another 60 feet for the gas line. The cable & phone lines will split off from the shared trench with their own and enter the shop 40 feet closer. Let's hope it doesn't get to cold to soon!

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