Monday, November 12, 2012


Coals lowered down into position. Use the special handles that come with the grill.
  We use the HOBO GRILL continuously because it cooks so nice with excellent flavoring. Here's how we used it the other evening. FASTMOM makes this superb Spinach Pizza with feta cheese, sliced black olives and browned ground beef with olive oil instead of red sauce with spices (garlic, salt-pepper, etc) So here it is in pictures. The HOBO GRILL ran @ 425 deg for about 35 minutes. We had the pizza on a stone, used charcoaled wood for coals for added flavoring. We used fewer coals but lowered the grate closer to the coals. It was on position 4 inside the HOBO GRILL. With the throttle & exhaust controls it was easy to maintain the temp. Anyhow we ended with an excellent SPINACH PIZZA, wood fired at home! The evening was terrific! You can have this grill!
Coals good and hot! Ready to lower into the grill.
Add captionGetting the HOBO GRILL fired up

Pizza on the stone. Tinfoil deflects the heat from burning the edges of the pizza. Use the handles that come with the grill to lower into position


Grilling temp is easily controllable with the convenient throttle & exhaust controls. CAN HARDLY WAIT!

HERE IT IS! About 35 minutes later one EXCELLENT SPINACH PIZZA!Getting the HOBO GRILL fired up

It's healthy, excellent flavoring, wood fired pizza in your home!! Man this was really good! You should do this with the HOBO GRILL!


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