Thursday, February 9, 2012


So, what does it take to build this? With no computer assisted manufacturing, so all done by hand, it takes precisely built jigs to hold the various pieces in place. This makes it repeatable for all hole locations for drilling the holes in the aluminum angle, center bearing location, caster location etc. It takes far more time to build accurate jigs that to actually build the product. There are 68 seperate drilling operations on each LAZY SUSAN! The thing that makes it so important is all the holes need to line up so bolts can be inserted thru the aluminum on each side and pass thru the Melomine! Thats three seperate holes that need to line up! The photos show some of the operation just to give you an idea and the bottom is a finished LAZY SUSAN!!! Buy one to keep your tools/parts in order! It'l hold 500lbs! Heres how I am using the first one I built!

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